#Cryptography Swiss Citizens & Secret Ciphers - Switzerland To Decide! #Cryptanalysis #Law

Swiss Citizens, destiny awaits you, your friends, families and Switzerland itself.  Download and quickly speed read our LEGAL STRATEGY .pdf (https://mega.nz/file/m0Q2SJoT#eZIQFp0D4OSwQhCVtM1dfBFF4azVT0Kob_kUPohOElY) where you will quickly get the general idea of using SIMILAR FACT EVIDENCE (Same NUMBERS) in CRIMINAL legal proceedings WORLDWIDE.

After a long fight through approximately £33,000,000,000,000 spent in remote torture survived (see e.g. this 2018 MSM news article published in Colorado), Our wise suggestion, without question, make 18 / 88 criminally unlawful.  

Let me explain why:

1+8 = 9.  

8+8 = 16 | 1+6 = 7.  

Thus: 18 (9) & 88 (7) together = 97.

Re-expressed =  777777777

We notified National Security Agency of The United States of America about the 777777777 terrorists way back in 2015.  Serious stuff.

You see:

Flight 77 (American Airlines)
Flight Venus-77 (Boeing 747-E4B)
London 77
Oslo 77 

Similar fact evidence.  7's running through TERRORISM & WAR CRIMES.

7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7+7 (9, 7's) = 63.

63 reversed = 36

36 re-expressed = 666 [THE NUMBER OF THE BEAST; SATAN]  

6+6+6 = 18

Hence our:

Per the proposal before you to make 18 unlawful in criminal/NAZI usage Swiss.

18 = AH.  But per the proof above (in reverse) 18 = 666 = SATAN. ;) {deeper}

Welcome (unfortunately) to the NAZI-SATANIC CULT CONNECTION, controlling Swiss realities, right now (don't believe us?  You should see our WUHAN work). ;)

Whilst you're waiting for your download to arrive; brings your mates up to speed: use Swiss specific pre-written promo's to get the word out!


Switzerland.  Be the first domino, that starts the global destruction of the 6,000 year old death cult!  As shown on our virtual-Heads Up Display and in the 6 groups of REAL BADDIES shown in the CIPHER SUMMARY (draft v.0.4) in our #OpO9A free download. Our completely registration free, free tutorials can be downloaded here: https://www.cipherassets.com/2022/11/operation-order-of-nine-angles-opo9a.html

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